NSW Chess Association


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Member Benefits

NSWCA Membership has the following benefits:

  1. Participation in NSWCA events - including Interclub grade match competition, NSW Open & Championships plus supporting events, Rapid tournaments, Blitz tournaments, Weekend tournaments and national tournaments.
  2. Rating Service - The rating list is updated 4 times a year, March, June, September and December. All tournament games 5 mins or more per player organised by the NSWCA are included in the ACF rating system.
  3. Voting rights at the NSWCA Annual General Meeting.
  4. Support chess and get the satisfaction of supporting a growing national sport! The NSWCA supports national championships and ACF (Australian Chess Federation) participation in international competitions and junior training programs.

Terms and Conditions

The following conditions apply to all standard memberships:

  1. The membership year of the NSWCA runs from 1st January to 31st December.
  2. You need to renew your membership each year.
  3. The NSWCA does not accept memberships from players under 18 years of age. Although not compulsory, players under 18 years of age are encouraged to join the NSWJCL (which permits them to play in NSWCA events, as well as NSWJCL events).

Join/Renew by Paper Form

Join/Renew Online

Please do not complete and pay a membership for juniors (players under 18 years of age) using the following forms.

To sign up juniors, please visit the NSW Junior Chess League (NSWJCL) at www.nswjcl.org.au

Please Note:

1. This is a membership applicaiton for NSW Chess Association (NSWCA) not the NSWJCL.

2. This will make you a member from the date of registration to 31 December of the current year.

3. This online application requires a payment by PayPal or credit card.

4. If you wish to pay by some other method please use the printed application.

5. Membership categories
a) Standard $30 (Sydney metropolitan (County of Cumberland))
b) Concession $20 (Sydney metropolitan for pensioners, full-time students and unemployed)
c) Country $10 (For those living outside the County of Cumberland))
d) New to NSWCA $10 (Only if you have never previously been a member of the NSWCA)
e) Registered Player $10 (Only allows for playing and a rating in non NSWCA events such as club tournaments - No NSWCA voting rights)

First name: Required
Last name: Required
Date of birth:
Address: (Please include Suburb and Postcode)
Home phone:
Chess club(s): (chess clubs you are registered with)
Registraion date: